Thursday, 29 March 2012

Batch Files

I still remember when the computers entered to our Department during the early 90s, the local computer technician used to install Windows operating system as and when required and used to charge an amount of Rs 250 per installation. He was dare enough to give a bill with description that “installation of Windows” The OS CD supplied along with computer was somewhere in the cupboard and we were not aware of the CD supplied was a licensed version. The guy always used the pirated CD!

One of the DOS program which was the main program used then was opening in the directory in which it was installed and not opening in any other directory we wanted. Then we had to beg him for the remedy. He was doing something to make that DOS software functioning in any directory.

New DB analyser Dated 29.03.2012 Released!

New DB analyser Dated 29.03.2012 Released!
Available in the following link

Error Showing "'Encashment of other office KVP / NSC'," solution provided.
Available in SDC site

Frequently Asked Questions - Sanchay Post Version 6.6.1 ( dtd 29/03/2012)

1. After entering the details in SB >> ECS Debits & Credits form, the transactions are not reflected in LOT.

SpeedNet 3.1.2 (15122011) Patch-1 dated 28/03/2012


This patch is released to provide the foloiwng solutions.

Postponment of Postman Exam & MTS Direct Rectt Exam

Directorate has postponed the Postman / Mail guard Examination and Direct Recruitment Examination for Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) scheduled to be held on 20.05.2012 Indefinitely, since the Recruitment Rules for the posts of Postman/Mail Guard and Multi Tasking Staff are under revision. Copy of the said Directorate letter is reproduced below.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

ECS for Salary through Banks & POSB

This software generates files based on Pay Bills & GPF Sanctions for payment through Banks & POSB. The files pertaining to Banks can be sent to NCH and those pertaining to POSB can be imported into Sanchay Post.
Software Package (zipped)
Document (pdf)
Last updated on: 20-03-2012

Email issues related to this software to

Source :
Software Development Centre
O/o the Chief Postmaster General
Tamilnadu Postal Circle
Chennai - 600002
Phone: 044-65850861

How to Copy Content from Right Click Disabled Web

Use this method only for your Educational / informative purpose. Writing a blog post consumes lot of time. Do not use it to copy the content and to republish them in to your Blog / Website, Get prior permission from the respective authors, Also, give full credit link to their website, share the original content link to your social networks such as Facebook, twitter.

Even, some copy paste blogs disabled the right click function. They'll copy the content from other blog or websites, but they don't allow to copy from their own website or blog.

Some websites and blogs are prevent the user from using the mouse right click functions. In some other websites, the keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl + C also disabled.
Did you feel it as frustrating one?

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Google search to offer answers as well as link

Google is preparing one of the biggest-ever revamps of its dominant search engine to include direct answers in its search results rather than just links to other websites, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

CC Bridge Version 6.0 New exe (dated 16.03.2012)

CC Bridge Version 6.0 New exe last updated on 16.03.2012 can be downloaded from the link


Order has been released by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare that both the CGHS beneficiaries and beneficiaries under CS (MA) Rules 1944 will get medical reimbursement for In-Vitro Fertilisation (Test Tube Baby) of an amount not exceeding Rs.65,000/- or the actual cost, whichever is lower.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

What is MAC Address

A Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment. MAC addresses are used for numerous network technologies and most IEEE 802 network technologies, including Ethernet. Logically, MAC addresses are used in the Media Access Control protocol sub-layer of the OSI reference model.

Turn off the Monitor using Keyboard

While using monitor off utility you can turn off the monitor by using keyboard when you step away from the computer. For example While you doing some secret things in your computer and you got a phone by this utility just by using/setting up the hot keys you can turn your monitor off. In this utility not only you can shut the monitor of but also you can lock the workstation and start screen savers.

This is a best program to protect your privacy and this is a best program to save the power bill. This program puts the monitor in stand by.

How Employers Disable USB Ports & How Employees Enable them again

Saturday, March 10, 2012 Admin No comments

Desktop computer equipped with a CD writer or a DVD burner is a rare sight is most companies. But a much larger security threat is posed by the open USB ports where mischievous office workers can just plugin the Flash Pen Drive, External Hard Disk or their iPod music player and transfer corporate data or even copy licensed software to their memory sticks in seconds.

Also, USB keys are not just a popular way to sneak data out from companies, unhappy employees may use USB ports for delivering trojans or spyware into the company networks.

Now some smart admins disable usb drive by changing the BIOS settings and then lock the BIOS using passwords. Some not so-smart admins fix tapes over the USB ports to prevent employees from inserting any USB device into their computer.

How to disable USB sticks and limit access to USB storage devices on Windows systems

USB storage - a possible security risk?

Decent IT administrators secure their networks behind firewalls. They install mail filters on their SMTP servers and deploy anti-virus software on all client workstations. But securing the network is not sufficient -- what happens if the users bring their own USB memory sticks and connect them to the computers at their office? A 1 Gb USB stick can sometimes hold an entire company's vital data. Within minutes or even seconds an employee has all the files they need in order to start up their own business and take all the customers with them. Alternatively, what happens if a careless user accidentally compromises the network with an infected USB stick?

How to configure PB Printer to work through USB Cable ?

Switch on the printer
Leave the Buttons
Insert the paper into the printer
Automatically Printer will take the paper inside and a message will be printed as follows

Aware from these 17 Ways To Hacking of your Computer – A Complete Reference

In the present world of high-speed internet, people have grown curiosity towards HACKING. Everybody is searching for a secret passage or method to bypass, extract, get and modify the information by any means. Among teenagers, the general tendency of hacking is concentrated to social media accounts.
Here I will describe all the methods which are popular in the world of hacking in order to hack into a computer terminal and online account.

How To Install Windows Using An USB Flash Drive

Yes, Its possible! You can use your USB that you generally use for transferring your favorite movies and music, to install Windows 7 to your PC. It’s much faster and reliable than an optical drive. This trick would be more than a solution to the users who have their optical drives not working properly or users with notebooks which don’t have optical drives.