Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Study Materials for Group B and IPO Examination

Study Materials for Group B and IPO Examination

 Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is the administrative civil service of the Indian government. (1947)
 Indian Police Service (IPS) (1947)

 Indian Forest Service (IFS) ( 1966)

 There are 34 group ‘A’ Central Services and 25 group ‘B’ Central services.

The present system of recruitment is based on the recommendations of Macaulay  committee (1854), Kothari Committee (1974) and Satish Chandra Committee (1988)

 The latest Commission on Civil Services is Hota Commission.
 Art.312 allows the Rajya Sabha to create any other All India Services with two by third majority.

 The recruitment to these services is made through the Union Public

Service Commission on the basis of the annual Civil Services  Examination.

Central Vigilance Commission
Established in 1964 on the recommendation of the Santhanam Committee on prevention of Corruption
 In 2003, statutory status was given to the C.V.C.  Central Vigilance Commissioner and other two commissioners appointed by the President on the recommendation of a three - member committee.
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(Prime Minister, Home Minister and Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha)
It conduct  enquiry into the corruption cases against Civil Servants on a reference by the Central Govt. (All India servants, Class ‘A’ servants of Central Govt., Specified level of Officers)
 It enjoys the powers of a Civil Court.
Union Public Service Commission

(Article 315-323)  The Constitution provides  that there shall be a Public Service
Commission for each state and for Unions.

 The Chairman and other members of the UPSC are appointed by the President.

 The members of the UPSC are appointed for a term of six years or till they attain the age of 65 years.
 UPSC Chairman :D.P.Agrawal  SPSC (State Public Service Commission) - Chairman and members are appointed by the Governor. But they can be removed only by the president (and not by the governor).

 The members of the SPSC are appointed for a term of six years or they attain the age of 62 years whichever is earlier.

 The UPSC is entrusted with the selection of candidates to higher civil services.
SSC (Staff Selection Commission)  is a centralised agency responsible for recruiting personal to middle and lower services of Central Government.

SSC established in 1975.
Administrative Tribunals

 The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act in 1976 introduced Article 323 A, enabling the setting up of Central and State Administrative tribunals, to adjudicate cases related to recruitment, promotion, transfer and conditions of service of persons appointed the public services of the Union and the State Governments.

 In pursuit of the provision, the Parliament enacted the Administrative tribunal Act,  1985 to set up Central  Administrative Tribunal (CAT)

 By a notification, the service matters related to employee of the Public Sector Undertaking (PSUs) can be brought under  the CAT or SATs, as the case may be.
 Many States are also provided with the State Administrative Tribunals.  The  Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the tribunal enjoys the status of a High
Court judge and his/her retirement age is 65 years.

The Chairman must be a judge of the High Court or one who served for at least two years  as the High Court Judge or the  Vice-Chairman of Tribunal.   The President appoints the  Chairman and other members  of the CAT and the SATs after consulting the Chief Justice of India.
Collected by  S   Jayachandran ,  SA , Divisional Office , Mavelikara ,690101

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